Microgreens A Must for Every Kitchen

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 Microgreens A Must for Every Kitchen

by: Barbara Langford – Hydropro solutions

Yes, You Can Grow Your Own Microgreens! Even if you aren’t a successful “gardener” you can still grow a microgreen crop right in your kitchen.  Those who try it, quickly become addicted to this fast growing, delicious and nutritious crop.  This is a kitchen crop that rarely fails because Mother Nature is at the wheel!  Your role?  Add water and light. If you can handle that.. you can be a kitchen microgreen farmer with your very first crop!

We think that Pea shoots, shown on the right, are some of most fast, fun and substantial microgreens you can grow at home.  My trays usually yield about a half a pound of pea shoots per crop!   This is for a tray measuring 10×13 inches, not a giant 10×20 tray.  Unless i have a function or a particular dish that i’m growing them for, i usually just harvest what i need, snipping them off with scissors and putting them straight on my sandwich or in my salad.  I leave the rest to keep on growing. These sweet and succulent greens can also be stir fried or used as a garnish.

Healthy Delicious and Fast Growing Crop

The Nutritional value of microgreens is astounding.  Microgreens contain 10 to 40 times the nutritional value as their adult counterpart and are packed with  flavor.  They are great as a healthy substitute for lettuce on sandwiches and wraps, fantastic salad add ins, great in green smoothies, plus create a pretty and tasty garnish!  Growing them is clean, fast and fun.  The pea shoot crop in the featured image above grew from a one night soak to ready to eat in only EIGHT DAYS! Most of the microgreen types you will grow are completely ready to eat in 8 to 10 days.

Growing this fast, you can imagine they quickly go through many fascinating changes.  You get a front row seat to watch the miracle of life transform dried up pea seeds to a beautiful edible kitchen crop!  It’s as simple as an overnight soak, like you’d be making soup with them the next day.  Drain off the water and rinse them well.  cover with a damp paper towel and put in a dark place for one more day.  Sow them and watch them grow!  Read more…