Microgreens: Antioxidant Powerhouses

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Microgreens: Antioxidant Powerhouses

Microgreens: Antioxidant Powerhouses, In today’s societal climate almost everyone is reconsidering the sentiment: your health is your wealth With sickness on the rise, we could all use some more antioxidants in our diet. But not all of us have time to dedicate to meal-planning as we should. Often times it’s easier to grab a quick meal and keep moving. Enter: microgreens. Microgreens are, by definition, vegetable greens that are harvested just after the cotyledon leaves have developed. For our purposes, we will see them as a nutritional supplement; but they are also often used to enhance the flavor of anyone’s favorite meal. There is certainly evidence to suggest that microgreens have a high antioxidant content and arguably a higher concentration than more mature (traditional) vegetables at that. Microgreens: Antioxidant Powerhouses, are substances that protect your body against free radicals, which are commonly known to cause illnesses and long-lasting health debilitations. Microgreens and their antioxidants don’t just fight sickness, they improve a person’s overall health and wellness over time. And the best part? They’re tiny. That’s right, microgreens can serve as a convenient garnish on any meal. Be it homemade pasta or a drive-thru burger. Microgreens won’t fix all your bad habits – but they will improve your lifestyle, one little leaf at a time, grab some greens today.