Nasturtium Pesto

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Nasturtium Pesto

Nasturtium pesto is one type of pesto that can be made easily. Pesto is derived from the Italian word pestare, meaning to pound, and it refers to the traditional method of preparation with a marble mortar and a wooden pestle. When we think of pesto, visions of the classic Italian sauce come to mind, but myriad versions of this “pounded sauce” exist. Traditional pesto recipes, also known as pesto alla Genovese, call for fresh basil. But you can use a wide range of herbs and even salad greens to make pesto. First, try cilantro for that Southern flair, parsley for a spicy bite. After that use dill, oregano, sorrel, or mint as either a solo or blended. Next use Kale, watercress, arugula, spinach, broccoli, or even carrot, and beet tops also make tasty pesto. Nasturtium pesto is what we are going to create today, nasturtium has a nice peppery flavor A good rule of thumb is to mix herbs into pesto that you would blend as a dried rub or sauce ingredient.


2 cups nasturtium leaves About 20 nasturtium flowers
1/2 cup raw cashews
4 cloves garlic peeled and sliced
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/4 tsp. fresh cracked pepper
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice


1. Wash and pat dry the nasturtium leaves.
2. Place the leaves, cashews, garlic, nutritional yeast, salt, pepper, and lemon juice in a food processor and pulse it till it breaks down and starts to blend together.
3. Add the olive oil gradually and pulse the food processor to incorporate.
4.Process the pesto until it reaches the consistency of the pesto. This pesto will be a little more pasty than you might be used to.
5.Add the tablespoon of water to break it down a bit and pulse until it is smooth.
6.At this point, if you want it a little more peppery, you can add some of the stems. Add a handful at a time and see how you like the taste and texture.
7.Finally, add the nasturtium flowers, and just pulse gently until the blossoms are broken up and appear as colorful speckles in the pesto, without becoming completely pulverized into the pesto.
8.Enjoy immediately or refrigerate for later.