The Dangers of Toxins

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The Dangers of Toxins

We hate to start out this post so grim – but we feel it’s important to discuss the dangers that toxins cause in our day-to-day lives. Our bodies are being damaged inside, invisibly and mercilessly by toxic, chemical reactions.

Toxic chemical additives and hazardous wastes in our air, water, and food supplies will continue to degrade our living and working environments. These toxins are contained in everything we eat, drink, and breathe.

But fret not! It’s hard not to wonder if you’re going to drop dead at any moment when reading something like that – but our bodies are truly amazing! Thankfully much of the internal damage toxins do to our bodies heal automatically. Think about when you bite your tongue – it hurts, sure, but after a few minutes it’s almost as if it never happened.

How do they poison our bodies?

Basically, there are eight ways toxins damage our bodies. Number one, Toxins poison enzymes so they don’t work properly, by inhibiting the production of hemoglobin in the blood. Two, toxins displace structural minerals, resulting in weaker bones. Thirdly, toxins damage nearly all your organs and systems. Fourth, toxins damage DNA, which increases the rate of aging and degeneration. Number five, our genes switch off and on to adapt to changes in our bodies and the outer environment. But many toxins activate or suppress our genes in undesirable ways. The sixth way is that toxins damage cell membranes so they don’t respond properly. Seventh is they cause an imbalance and interfere with our hormones. Last but not least, toxins actually impair your ability to detoxify—and this is the worst problem of all. The more toxins you have burdening your body, the greater the damage to your body’s detoxification pathways.

Microgreens can help

Our bodies can do a better job of combating these toxins when they are properly nourished. When we’re striving to eat healthier and exercise to keep our bodies healthy it can fight off these toxins much more efficiently and keep us safe.

When we don’t exercise and constantly eat processed junk the body can’t neutralize and expel these poisons fast enough. They build up in our body; and so does the invisible damage they do.

If you’re experiencing pain whether it’s joint pain, abdominal pain, headaches, etc. it could be your body telling you that you aren’t doing your part in nourishing it properly. Listen to the messages your body is telling you and change directions to a healthier path!

We want to help you be the healthiest you can be and believe our microgreens can do just that! Starting a subscription with us will provide you with super nutrient-rich microgreens every month to help your body fight off those toxins. We also sell kits that you can grow yourself to keep your body in check!

Start your microgreen subscription today or come see us at the Downtown Lakeland Farmers Market. We’ll help set you up for success so you don’t have to live in fear of the crazy toxins that exist in our world.