PDF Microgreen Flavor Profiles

What do microgreens taste like? That was the question John, my best friend’s husband, asked me several months ago at dinner. We were talking about what it meant to be vegan versus following a plant-based diet. I introduced microgreens into the conversation, and that was the first question. Duh?!

They often come with a huge variety of flavorful taste which including — spicy/peppery, sweet, nutty, mild and earthy, herb-like and more.

I have made a flavor profile of every microgreen available and what their flavor profile is.This can help other growers or the home grower. If we do get enough of a request for a specific micro we will consider bringing it in our crop rotation.

This information is for information, we at Vitality Farms Company do not grow every possible microgreen. You can obtain our flavor profile from us for the crops we carry.